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Ready Player One book cover redesign

This is the full layout of the redesigned cover for Ready Player one. This cover features a retro style similar to that of the '80s, since the book is overflowing with popculture references from that era. On the front cover is a silhouette of Ultraman, with his chest orb and eyes glowing. On the back cover is Mechagodzilla's silhouette with only his right eye glowing. This cover depicts the main battle that takes place towards the end of the book where the protagonist, Wade Watts, pilots Ultraman, and faces his main antagonist, Nolan Sorrento, who pilots Mechagodzilla. 
Below is the first version of the cover. I originally had inspiration from Tron movie posters. So I attempted to make it similar to the Tron posters by having Ultraman stading behind the mountains, but trashed this design because I felt it was too centralized, since the horizon line went directly through the center and the title and author all lined up with Ultraman and the mountain peak.
Below is a mockup that shows what the cover would look like if it was printed on the hardcover copy of the novel.
Ready Player One book cover redesign

Ready Player One book cover redesign

Redesigned cover for Ernest Cline's bestselling novel, Ready Player One.
